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Not Another Form!!

You may have noticed that we send home quite a few different forms and letters etc with your daughter. There is a reason for this, and it's not just because we love all the paperwork haha!

Whilst your girls are in our charge, the form that was completed when your daughter first joined allows her to take part in the activities that we do whilst inside our usual meeting place.

However, once we leave our meeting place, we need an additional form from yourself to allow us to care for your daughter. Without this form we are NOT able to have your daughter in our care..

It is also to ensure that we have the correct information we need to care appropriately for your daughter whilst she is taking part in an activity away from the meeting place or an overnight residential.

Below is a brief description of what each form is and what you need to do with it:

Information and Consent for Event/Activity

This form is sent out whenever we are planning an activity or event away from our usual meeting place. This includes trips to the park, trips to other units as well as any camps or sleepovers that we do with your girls. This form is sent via email, and can be completed and returned the same way.

The first page contains all the information you need to know about our upcoming event or activity. It will tell you the sort of things we are planning to do, when and where to drop your daughter off, what she should be bringing and what she should be wearing. You should keep this page!

The second page must be returned by the date shown on page 1. All parts of this form must be completed every time we do an activity, whether anything has changed or not. After the activity is finished, we are required to destroy all forms, so do not keep them for the next event. The emergency contact should be someone other than yourself. The purpose of that second person is incase I cannot contact you first - you may be at work or simply out of signal range.

Health Information

This form is only used when we go away for sleepovers and camps. It has more space for you to write about any health conditions or current illnesses that your daughter may have, and what treatment she is currently receiving (e.g. antibiotics). This form is sent via email, and can be completed online, but must be printed and hand signed.

All information regarding your daughter's health and wellbeing should be on this form, regardless as to whether we already know about it.

All medication must be labelled and handed into the First Aider/Leader in Charge at the start of the event. Any sensitive issues should be discussed with the Leader in Charge prior to the event, and must still be present on this form. These forms are highly confidential, and are only viewed by the First Aider/Leader in Charge (and are passed to the relevant medical professional if your daughter must see one whilst is our care).

Again, the Emergency Contacts required must be people other than yourself. They should be contactable at all times during the event.

I hope this has helped you all :) xx

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